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  • MegaStroy  is a team of young and ambitious experts eager to find and implement efficient technical solutions for the most complex, non-conventional assignments in a modern market.
    Combining expert knowledge and skills
    Automating project management systematically
    Complying with the budget and deadlines
    Keeping in mind current trends
    Improving technological processes
    Providing complete engineering support after putting the object into operation
    Successfully cooperating
    with market leaders over the past years:
    - Cherkizovo Group
    - Miratorg
    - Rusagro Group
    Черкизово Мираторг Группа компаний РусАгро Петэксперт АГРОХОЛДИНГ ЭКООЙЛ ЕВРАЗ

    MegaStroy design department provides complex and effective services for all stages of project cycles.

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    Industrial engineering
    Industrial engineering

    List of measures aimed at the creation of a new project or reconstruction of existing facilities/technical re-equipment.

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    Industrial construction
    Industrial construction

    Implementation of all stages of general construction works, starting from the zero cycle and completing the landscaping of the territory. We carry out site planning, earthworks, laying of communications, foundation filling, construction of load-bearing structures and various types of roofs, installation of equipment, installation of enclosing structures, landscaping.

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    Completing objects with equipment and materials
    Completing objects with equipment and materials

    Monitoring equipment and material compliance with technical characteristics, quality, and conditions.

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    The company has vast experience in maintaining and repairing ventilation systems, air conditioning, heating, refrigeration, pumping stations, and other power equipment.

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    We take upon ourselves the entire work package, from design and construction work to delivering and commissioning equipment at the facility.
    Successfully working for 
    12+ years
    We have been helping our partners to implement the most complex projects since 2008
    Customer portfolio has 
    200+ companies
    including Russian market leaders in their industry
    100+ staff members
    Qualified and stable employment
    Миссия и ценности компании
    • Мы работаем со стремительно развивающимся крупным бизнесом, занимающим основную долю рынка
    • Мы работаем на принципах партнерства, готовы реализовывать проекты от стадии идеи до полного запуска
    • Наши конкурентные преимущества: компетентность, способность работать в высоком темпе и готовность брать на себя все большую ответственность
    • Миссия воплощается каждым сотрудником, без исключений
    Работа в команде
    Стремление к развитию
    Our priority is the complete cycle of project implementation
    We are a Russian construction and engineering company that offers complex solutions, optimal cost, and precise deadlines on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    We have been providing construction and engineering consulting services in various industries of the industrial segment for over 13 years.
    Contact information