Work Manager (Foreman)
I started working for MegaStroy in March 2017 as the Installer in the ventilation area, and I worked there for six months.
In 2018, I was promoted to the Foreman position to install sanitary systems and equipment. I had established myself as an executive and reliable employee at this job who's not afraid to take responsibility for his work.
The increase in the volume of work and geography expansion of the company activities motivated my director to promote me to a Work Manager Position at the beginning of summer in 2019, where I work until this day.
Commercial Director
Once I discussed all the possible paths to career growth with my co-workers. I concluded that one of them is to begin working in the company from its very start. Growing up with the company allows you to understand better the work mechanisms, ongoing processes, and company needs. It comes naturally to you, and the next career step is a logical designation of your development and disclosure of your potential.
This path truly works in our company, and I am living proof of it.
Head of Production and Technical Department
After moving to Lipetsk in 2019, I have been looking for "my" company for a long time! I needed to find a place where people were motivated by a common cause, not finances. It is essential that the employee does not sit at his desk knowing that he will get his salary one way or another, but roots for his work with his heart and soul! It is important to find like-minded people and contribute to the development of the company!
1,5 years later, I almost lost hope when I found out to my great joy that dynamically developing MegaStroy accepts new employees. The moment I arrived at the interview, I knew this job was exactly what I needed.
The company hired me as an Engineer in the Production and Technical Department, and I joined a very friendly team. 7 months later, I received an offer to run this department! I am grateful to the management for their trust and the opportunity to develop with the company!
Section Foreman of the Construction and Installation
I began my career in MegaStroy in 2012-2013, working a part-time job.
On February 10, 2014 I was officially hired by MegaStroy as a Section Foreman of the ventilation and air conditioning systems.In 2017, the volume of work in the company had increased, the MegaStore director promoted me to the Foreman Position.
I held this job for 2 years, where I proved to be an executive and conscientious employee.
The number of construction and installation teams was growing, and I was promoted to the Head Position of Construction and Installation in 2019, where I work until this day.